
The Main PCB has stopped receiving a feedback signal from the Ice Fan.


Check the fan for movement, (if fan won’t move without power applied replace fan) or other issues that might stall fan. Check the fan for ice.

Test Voltages in Test Mode 1


Special Note: For Serial Range 109KR-309KR if the icemaker fan is found to be defective, it is recommended to replace the Fan Grille Assembly instead of just the fan motor by itself.

128 Responses

    1. On a refrigerator that would be a IF error code but looks like 1F on the display itself, meaning Icemaker fan error. The “E” just means error and depending on model can be in different locations on the display itself. Check out… https://lgerrorcodes.com/ref_if/ Hope This helps!

  1. E I f check for air leak in freezer room. Normally ice buildup up on top row of freezer evaporator that will interfere and stop a DC powered fan motor.

  2. RNN231010085386

    Arrived at French door refrigerator with no ice fan error. After diagnosis I replaced the freezer duct panel. Unit is now operational.

  3. RNN231004055695
    #SW /01 R600a 2.0oz Customer
    concern about I E error code not making ice. Need grill assembly is on back order. Did compressor job previously. On RNN230614079395 on 6/19/23. Sealed system is working perfectly order parts to me. 10/17/23 installed new grill assembly and correct noise vibration on cap tube on the back, used foam tape to prevent noises on back cover

  4. #SW /00 R600a 2.7oz #not a sealed system issues. Customer concern about EIF error code. Ice Maker Fan was stock not moving no ice around. Replaced complet grill assembly test unit works perfectly

  5. RNN231113046381

    IF error, no frost build up, tested with refrigerator jig, fan error displayed. Fan motor went bad, part replaced; AEB73764521-(Grille Assembly,Fan), #SW

  6. IF error message displayed. Customer unplugged for 48 hrs and displayed the error again. Ice maker fan faulty. Replace grille assembly, fan. All tested ok. RNN231120078382

  7. IF error message displayed. Ice maker fan not spinning properly and not ice around the blade. Not making ice. Replace grille assembly, fan. All tested ok. RNN231204044333

  8. RNN231209077692
    I found both the fan motors defective .
    Icemaker and evaporators motors both loose and hard to turn by hand

  9. IF error message displayed. Loud noise when the fan blade working. Not ice around the blade. Replace grille assembly, fan. All tested ok. RNN240102077210

  10. IF error message displayed. Customer defrost for 48 hrs and see the error again. Not making ice in the dispenser. Ice maker fan faulty. Replace grille assembly fan. All tested ok. RNN240109012661

  11. IF error mesaage displayed. Ice maker fan not spinning, no ice around the fan. Replace grille assembly, fan. All tested ok. RNN240205039720

  12. IF error message. Ice maker fan problem fan blade stuck no spinning. Replace grille assembly, fan. All tested ok. No leaks after test. Customer instruct 12 hrs for making ice again. RNN240222020547

  13. IF error message displayed. Not making ice. Ice maker fan faulty and not air flow. Replace grille assembly, fan. All tested ok. No leaks after test. Customer instruct 12 hrs for dispensing ice again. RNN240226036825

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