
Dry heater is not heating


Check dry heater resistance for 10-14 ohms

Check dry heater voltage for 120 V ac

Check thermistor 2.5 ~ 180K

Check Dry Fan for 24Vdc

Check Dry Fan for 2~5 ohms on each winding U~V, U~W & V~W

Check thermostat for open and if open replace


5 Responses

  1. No help. Replaced main pcb and entire heater duct assembly and still have error. Has to be a open wire. This troubleshooting should identify exactly what generates the error so I know exactly what wire(s) to check for open.

    1. This is a problem with this error code as it has multiple things that can go wrong to produce the error code. Utlimately what causes it is the sensor doesn’t sense any change in resistance. If the heater isn’t heating you get the error. If the heater is heating and the fan doesn’t blow the hot air to where the sensor can sense it then you get the error. If the heater is heating and the fan is blowing but the sensor is bad then you get the error code. You can always check amperage on the heater to prove the heater wires are good. You can check the resistance of the fan from the main board and also check the resistance of the heater from the main board and check the resistance of the sensor from the main board to determine which wires are open. This is why all of these components are listed in this article. The service manual states that any of these can create the error.
      Thanks for the feedback

  2. Please note that there are quite a few service bulletins regarding this fault lodged in GSFS so would be helpful to check these. The most commons problems being either the Dry Fan itself or a harness issue
    DFZ202400028-01, DFZ202300108-01, DFZ202300108-02, DFZ202300108-03

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