Visually check connections at Main Board and Stator (at Ball Sensor).
Note* the ball sensor was only installed on models produced from approximately 2006 and earlier.
if drum turns and will it spin? If it resumes a normal spin the unit has self
corrected the unbalanced load.
Enter test mode for specific unit. At first press of START/PAUSE
button, does bE error code appear? NOTE: bE error code displays ONLY during Test
connections good at ball sensor and Main Board?
Ball sensor.
The“BALLSENSOR”issonamedbecauseitcontainsasmallballcoveringaneven smallerhole.The ballrestssoitblocksthe light fromtheLED above from shining through the hole to the phototransistor below. If thetubmovesenoughthe ball is moved temporarily from its resting place, allowing the light to trigger the phototransistor. This, in turn, causes the drum rotation to stop and then attempt to rebalance the load.