Water level too high
Make sure that the water valve isn’t stuck. Be sure the customer is not using too much detergent causing an excess of suds and foam. The detergent should be High Efficiency detergent to reduce the possibility of over sudsing issues that interfere with the pressure sensor reading.
Use test mode to check water level frequency.
Is the water level frequency over 21.3kHz?
If no: does water flow continuously into tub with unit unplugged? If so, defective inlet valve.
If water is not being continuously supplied with unit unplugged:
Is 12 Vdc (DC valve) supplied to the inlet valve when power to washer is on, but no wash cycle is selected?
If yes: defective main pcb.
If no: check for connection between main PCB and pressure switch.
If water level frequency is being read (in test mode):
Inspect for blockages and leaks in air hose between tub and pressure switch. Replace hose if needed.
Check for lint accumulation in air chamber. Clean out air chamber.
Recheck for FE error code.
If FE still displayed, check pressure switch (It will have resistance of approximately 21Ω) and connections.
Also see PE error code article.
Pin 2 Skyblue to
Pin 3 Orange 2.5 to 3.0 VDC
Pin 2 Skyblue to
Pin 1 Violet 2.5 to 3.0 VDC
Pin 1 Violet to
Pin 3 Orange 21 ~ 23Ω ± 10%